Hello you daffy daffodils!

I'm getting my J&J vaccine next week and these brightening days are starting to feel even brighter. I hope you're feeling a bit of the weight of the darkness of these past many months lift and as the days get longer, let's use them well.

At the beginning of March, Broadway Women's Fund released their 2nd annual list of Women to Watch on Broadway and I was surprised and delighted to find my name alongside so many women I admire and respect. Check out these incredible women and support their work!

I'm excited to share with you that I'll be performing in a real live and in person brand new musical this summer that you can come and see with your actual real live body! If you are able to get to Massachusetts, come visit me at the Williamstown Theater Festival. If you can't make it (and even if you can) give the whole show a listen on Audible Theater - details below :)

Williamstown Theater Festival
July 13-August 8

The Clark’s serene reflecting pool becomes the stage for this uplifting world premiere musical that interrogates the resilience, fear, and ambition inside one individual as she aims to be the first woman to row solo across the Atlantic. Inspired by A Pearl in the Storm by Tori Murden McClure, with a book by Daniel Goldstein, music and lyrics by Dawn Landes, and directed by Tyne Rafaeli, Row exposes you to the elements endured by an extraordinary woman undeterred by the odds.
TICKETS on sale mid-June
LISTEN on Audible Theater NOW (30 day free trial)

In case you missed it...

Theater in Quarantine
Mostly What I Do

In February, I had the extraordinary pleasure of working with Joshua William Gelb and KatieRose McLaughlin on one of their TiQ livestreams. If you haven't seen what these brilliant collaborators have been making this past year, get thee to YouTube and check them out! For our project, I live looped a new song while Josh live looped video as he performed KR's choreography.

I remember when we first started,

Grace McLean